(Blood warning to anyone who doesnt like lots of blood decals in the attached youtube video) Blood can be switched on and off ingame :D

A fun little Doom style shooter for the Construct Community Game Jam! Dodge the enemies and smash crates for precious ammo for your weapons!

Jump punches do triple damage! And reward health if you use a punch to finish an enemy, each floor also grants some health.

Please enjoy and leave feedback, I will possible add more features and content in the future if it has enough interest :)


WASD or left analogue - To walk.

Space or Rb - To Jump

Shift or Lb - To sprint

Left click or Rt - To attack

Right click or Lt - To punch

1,2,3,4 or Dpad - Change weapon

` - Toggle full screen

U - can lower resolution a bit if GPU high

I - can remove post process glow effect



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Absolutely hilarious had so much fun punching the enemies! Love all the details in 3D the spinning door and how the building looks like it’s infinite height wise as it blends into the sky great job!  :) 

Hehe thank you! Will be adding more to update this further when he jam ends :D

Really fun and well made despite Construct's 3D limitations! Great job. also how did you get the spinny door to work with 3d physics what is this magic i have so many questions :)

Literally everything was made in pure vanilla c3, no addons, js, or anything, just the good ol' event editor XD

Thank you for the kind words, hopefully I can grow this after the jam with multiplayer online, weapons, gimmicks, more enemy types and more graphical enchancements :D